December 12 2022 0Comment
replacement windows in Elk Grove, CA

Maintaining Vinyl Replacement Windows

Vinyl windows are some of the easiest windows to replace. Still, it’s best that you know how to maintain them properly to ensure that they will last long. Here are some maintenance tips and reminders when getting vinyl replacement windows in Elk Grove, CA.


Routine Inspections

You can do this during general cleaning sessions of your home. A bi-yearly or quarterly inspection can be done as vinyl windows are less tedious to maintain than wooden or steel windows.

Some things you need to watch out for are damages. Make sure that seals are still intact and locks are still functioning smoothly. Water condensation is another thing you’d want to check.

If you see anything that seems out of order with your vinyl windows, fix them right away or call a professional to repair them.


Education on Proper Use

It’s quite surprising, but there are people who tend to misuse windows. This leads to the short lifespan of your windows due to damages that can be permanent making you spend more on replacement windows and labor fees.

You can ask your window supplier how to operate them or watch videos online. Do this to ensure the lifespan of your vinyl replacement windows.



replacement windows in Elk Grove, CAYou can skip the window cleaners that are made up of harsh chemicals. All you need to use to clean your vinyl replacement windows are water and some mild detergent soap. Use a soft cloth or microfiber cloth to avoid tiny scratches to the glass and vinyl.

Dampen your cloth with the water and detergent mixture and wipe any dirt or buildup on your windows. Since vinyl is dirt and water-resistant, you will probably just worry about dust buildup. Use another cloth to dry your windows after wiping them immediately.

You can also ask your window supplier if you can get your windows with easy clean glass coating. It’ll make your life so much easier when cleaning.

Don’t forget the crevices of your window by using a vacuum cleaner. This will clean the places you won’t be able to wipe and suck up any water left.

It’s important that you make sure everything is dry. Though vinyl is water resistant, the internal components of the window itself can be prone to damage due to water.


Replace Them Instead of Repainting Them

Vinyl windows can come in various colors. But when you get tired of them or if you’d like them to be in a different color, it’s best to replace them instead of repainting them.

Vinyl can be painted, but they tend to flake or not hold up well. You’d end up spending more time and money repainting and cleaning up flakes or paint compared to replacing your window in another color.

Vinyl replacement windows are great for any kind of home and for people who don’t have much time to clean and maintain them. This is what makes them a popular choice as replacement windows in Elk Grove, CA. Give us a call to set an appointment if you’re interested to replace your windows with vinyl ones.
