November 21 2022 0Comment
replacement windows in Sacramento, CA

How to Prepare Your Home for Replacement Windows

If you’re planning on a home renovation, you might already have your home prepared for this big change. If you’re only planning to replace your windows, you still need to prepare your home. Here’s how you should prepare your home for replacement windows in Elk Grove, CA.


Clean the Area of the Windows

You may need to move some furniture temporarily to avoid any accidents while having your windows replaced. Any large furniture should be moved to another room or area to give way for the installers to work. It’ll also make sure that even the smallest items will be moved.


Cover Your Floors and Other Belongings

You need to buy protective covers for your floors and other objects that can’t be moved. Accidents can happen even when everyone’s careful. It’ll be hard to clean up glass particles when they break.

You don’t need to buy covers that are too expensive. Something cheap, sturdy, and can be thrown away if needed will work just fine.


Remove Curtains and other Window Covers

Removing curtains is the first thing you should do. The replacement process may damage your curtains and it could also cause accidents for the installers. You should be able to remove them and place them somewhere far from the installation area.


Make a Clear Plan

If you’ll have big replacement windows, you need to plan how to bring them to the area where they will be installed. If it’ll be on the second floor, you need to plan how the installers will be able to bring it up.

If the windows will be brought inside your home, clear a path to avoid any delays and accidents.


Keep Your Valuables Out of Sight

Remember that strangers will be entering your home to install your replacement windows. Even when they have a good track record, it’s still better to keep your valuable items safe and secure. This is not about judging people, it’s about keeping the temptation away from people who could be tempted to steal.


Choose the Best Time and Day for the Replacement Process

replacement windows in Sacramento, CAIf you are the homeowner and decision-maker in your home, you should be present when the window replacement process is taking place. If there are things that need your approval, you’d be able to make decisions right away.

Schedule it when it’s your day off or on a holiday to make sure you’d be there when the installers start working.


Don’t Forget to Deactivate Security Alarms

The last thing you’d want is your security alarm going off when the installers begin removing your old windows. Make sure that your alarms are off as it could cause panic in your home and neighborhood.

These are things you need to do to prepare for your replacement windows in Elk Grove, CA. Before you have the windows delivered to your home, make sure that you have an area prepared where they can be safely stored before the big installation day. You can call for an appointment with us and discuss the delivery schedule of the windows you want to purchase.
